The Fair DUI Flyer: Is it for you?

Our Fair DUI flyer is not right for everyone. You have to have a good sense of who you are and think ahead about how you’re going to handle what might happen.

The flyer is intended for two main groups. The first are sober people who are at risk for a DUI arrest. The second is liberty activists.

The flyer is NOT intended for drunks.

Drunks don’t follow instructions and that makes things worse.

By sober people at risk, we mean if you’ve had a small number of drinks within the past six hours or taken any kind of medicine or drug that may still be active in your system. If you occasionally drive after one to three drinks, or after taking any kind of drugs (including prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as illegal drugs), the flyer may be right for you.

People tend to think DUI laws are about other people. But even if you’ve had nothing at all, you are still at risk for a DUI arrest and conviction. An Arizona man was charged in 2013 with DUI even though tests showed no alcohol or drugs in his system. Even worse, the National Academy of Science says police crime labs are unreliable and there have been many instances of corruption in the breath and blood testing process.

You may not be comfortable using this flyer. A police encounter is a difficult and uncomfortable situation. Most cops will not like it. They will get mean and threaten you. It is a very intimidating experience. You have to know yourself and whether you can handle that.

The same advice applies to liberty activists. It’s easy to talk big when you’re on Facebook or hanging out with your friends. When you’re alone on a dark road with armed men shining powerful flashlights in your face, it can be a lot tougher to stay calm and handle things well. It’s also important that you use it correctly, so you have to get past your preconceived notions of what to do. If you show a cop a card that says “I Remain Silent” and then you ask if you’re being detained, you look like an idiot.

Another key detail – the flyer is not designed to get people out of speeding tickets. There are many people who believe they can talk their way out of a minor ticket. The flyer will not help with that. It’s for when you’re at risk for something far more serious than a simple traffic ticket.

If you want the flyer, please go to our Fair DUI Flyer page. At this writing (March 2014) we have versions for six states and we will add more.